Online Giving
Instructions for Online Giving

Thank you for choosing to partner financially with HMBC as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please see the instructions below for how to give online, and if you have any questions, please contact us at holymtn@holymtnbaptistchurch.com or 423-247-1212.
- Sign in to your PayPal Account using the following link:
- Click either the “Send” button or the “Send & Request” tab
- Enter the following address into the recipient e-mail address field:
Note: The Church does not have a mobile number, so do not select that option
- Click “Next”
- Confirm that the e-mail address is correct
Note: This is important, as you could potentially send money to the wrong person
- Enter the amount you would like to send
- You may add a note into the “Add a note” field if you would like to specify where the money is to be used
(ie: Tithes, Missions, etc)
- Click “Continue”
- If it reads “Paying for an item or service” on the next page, then click the “Change” link beside that text
- Select “Sending to a friend”
- Select “Sending to a friend”
- Select your payment method
Note: There is no charge to send a donation using a bank account as the funding source. However, there will be an additional charge applied if using a credit card. We suggest linking a bank account to your PayPal account.
- Click “Next”
- Verify all information is correct
- Click “Send Payment Now”

Our Ministries
We have classes and ministry for all ages from nursery to children to youth/teens, adults, senior adults, widows and veterans.

A Place for You
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of faith, and together, let’s grow deeper in our love for God, each other, and our world.