HMBC Media
Welcome! We Are Glad You Are Here!
At Holy Mountain Baptist Church, we want to fully utilize technology to
further enable the sharing of our faith.
We have established our own YouTube presence, where we consistently
upload Sunday services, as well as special series and events. Check out
the videos available at the link above.
We also utilize Facebook Livestream at HMBC Livestream, where you can
log in at 11 AM and 6 PM on Sundays and 6:30 PM on Wednesday night
as our services happen.
We also have an Instagram account for pictures, videos and stories about
what is happening at the Church. Just look for [NAME] and connect with
There is also a Pastor’s vlog with devotions and other items of interest as

Our Ministries
We have classes and ministry for all ages from nursery to children to youth/teens, adults, senior adults, widows and veterans.

A Place for You
We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of faith, and together, let’s grow deeper in our love for God, each other, and our world.